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What's your favourite flavour of failure?


A tongue twister but one of my favourite questions.  

It only comes after we illicit your biggest dream or next hairy audacious goal – after all, it’s impossible to fail if you never attempt anything new and groundbreaking.  

And many are happy there, in their comfort zone, doing the things they know they can do, they’re safe, a bit bored yes, but safe, from the fear of failure, whatever that might mean for them. 

Not my clients though; they partner with me to achieve something new and groundbreaking, at least for them – a successful and fulfilling career or business, a positive impact in the world, and a feeling of freedom, joy and peace of mind. 

We’re all beautifully weird and unique, and yet, not so dissimilar when it comes down to it.  

Most of us want to be of use, to be recognised, and be free of the mental chatter that accompanies most of our new endeavours. 

So, I ask; How will you fail? 

What’s your favourite flavour of failure? 

How do you usually hold yourself back and sabotage your success? 

  • Lack of self-belief 

  • Fear of judgement 

  • Procrastination 

  • Trying to do too much at once 

  • Keeping myself busy with the small stuff 

  • All of the above? 

Or something else? 

And what would you do if you couldn’t fail? 

Do that, give it a go, and report back in two weeks.  

It’s not homework, you’re not doing it for me, and the doing isn’t even the important part. I want to know what you tried and what you didn’t, what worked and what failed, and most importantly, what you learnt about yourself in the process. 

A coaching partnership with me is more than a talking shop, it’s about taking action and moving yourself forward, and yet it’s the time between the sessions where the magic happens, it’s in taking experimental action on the insights you have in session, and seeing where they lead.  

When we understand ourselves better, and more importantly the fictional stories we tell ourselves, and put them to bed, we do better. Sometimes we just need a little help to see the fiction for what it is – all made up. And our favourite flavour of failure, well that can become a nostalgic memory – something that used to hold us back from achieving our dreams and hairy audacious goals – but not any more. 


What’s your favourite flavour of failure? 


If you’d like to move past it, and get on with your successful and fulfilling career or business, get in touch, we should talk, I have your back. 


And for the entrepreneurs out there, join me and a peer group of like-hearted, different-minded leaders in my upcoming Impact MasterMind.  

Impactfully Yours,



Mehalah Beckett is a coach, consultant and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year? 



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