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What Do You Want For 2025?


Updated: Feb 12


A Gift from Me(halah)...get it ? :)

No, this isn’t another goal-setting prompt for 2025.

I’ve never been much of a goal-setter, and much as experts, coaches and consultants have tried to tell me I need to be better at it, it’s never really stuck. But that doesn't mean I just float around willy-nilly (wow Microsoft just accepted that as an actual word, who knew!).

I’m very intentional: I know what I want and take action to make it happen. Most of the time.

If I‘m not taking action, chances are I didn’t quite get what I thought I wanted right. It happens, we often get caught up in what we ought to want; a six-figure business, annual promotion, a larger team, 2.4 children….whatever it is, I’m sure there’s something that comes up for you.

So, let me ask you the same question I’ve been asking all my 1-2-1 Coaching and MasterMind clients this week:

Q1: What do you WANT for next year?

Think about it for a moment, what do you want for you, for your work, or business?

No doubt that just brought you a big, long list of things… so, question two…

Q2. What do you ACTUALLY want?

Pause for a moment; if all the details were irrelevant - if all the actions, things and achievements were actually just in order to….what is the end goal?

Or put another way….

Q3: How do you want to FEEL in 2025?

Put yourself at the end of 2025, you’re feeling fantastic….what are those feelings?

Write them down, all of them, and treat these as your NORTH STAR for the year, then you have a focal point for your activity…a simple structure by which to decide what to do, what to say yes to, who to hang with and how to spend your precious time….leading me to question 4…

Q4. Will this take me towards or further away from my North Star?

If towards, it’s a HELL YES, do the thing, set the goal, hang with the person...if it’s further away, you know what to do, make 2025 a year of saying NO to what does not serve you, your mission, or the people around you.

Sound too simple?

Then you’re probably onto a good thing, and can lean into that ease a little more in the new year….but simple isn’t always easy. This brings me to question 5…

Q5. Would you like some help with that?

If so, I have a gift for those of you WILLING TO GO FOR WHAT YOU WANT next year; and that’s booking some time with me to Redefine your Success for 2025.

How I can support you next year:

Whether it’s a 1-2-1 success partnership for 3-12 months or a 12-month membership to my Impact MasterMind, if you’re ready to go for what you want, and don’t want to go it alone, get in touch, we should talk, in fact, let’s give you the experience of coaching.

Happy Holidays!

I’m off from Friday 20th December, and back on January 13th with my Impact MasterMind at midday, until then, have a joyful break, and I look forward to partnering with you in the new year!



Mehalah Beckett is a coach, consultant and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year? 



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