I've started offering VIP Intensives (I’ve never offered one-offs - preferring to get to know potential clients well before partnering for 3-12 months) but you ‘Quickstarts’ who want to get on with it can now book straight into my diary.
To set the session up you’ll answer three questions in advance:
1. What’s your biggest challenge right now?
2. What do you want?
3. What’s the biggest fear around what you want?
People find question 1 easy (at least on a surface level, and don’t worry we find the root of it in our call).
Question 3 can also come quite naturally once 2 is truly known and admitted to (again it’s often a surface-level fear, but we’ll also dig in to find gold).
Question 2 however can be tricky. It’s not a trick question, but easily tricks the mind into saying what it SHOULD want. OUGHT to want. Has been conditioned to want.
What if you didn’t?
What if what you actually wanted was quite different? Much simpler. Much nicer. And you (and I) know when we hit the jackpot because your energy changes and a confusing grin appears across your face.
Knowing (and owning) what you actually want is priceless.
Taking action on it is life-changing.
And you will, it’s what you’re here for. I don’t run a talking shop!
Fancy a life transformation for just £295* (*deductible from any coaching programme purchased in the following three months)?
Then invest in yourself.
We’ll talk. Your life will change.
Book in now before I change my mind!
Impactfully yours.
Mehalah Beckett is a coach, consultant and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year?