Want a better relationship with money? With how you create it, use and manage it?
Then stop scaring yourself with it and learn to love it. Love spending time with it, enjoy its company, it's coming and going, and what it allows you to do.
And avoid using it for things it was never meant for (more on this below!).
Not sure if or what your fears are around money? Let’s explore.
Question 1: What do you fear will happen when you fall in love with money? (here are some popular answers from my clients…)
A – your friends will judge and disown you, leaving you all alone
B – you will judge yourself as greedy and shallow, triggering shame
C – you will have to work so hard to make it, you’ll burn out
D – you’ll struggle to manage it and get in trouble with the taxman
E – your spending will be uncontrollable, and you’ll end up in debt
If it helps, try this adjacent question…if we’re using the metaphor of falling in love…
Question 2: What did you fear would happen when you met the love of your life?
F - lose my independence and freedom (answering for a friend 😉)
I’m an accumulator when it comes to money - I’m decent at earning it but cautious about risks (I’ve never been rich but I’m resourceful and always had ‘enough’). I’m better at saving than spending and investing money and that affects how much I earn.
My issues around money have traditionally been around earning ‘more than average’ and being judged for that - which lies in my people pleasing, ‘tall poppy syndrome’, and fitting-in needs. But with who? It’s all made up!
And one of my biggest values - the thing that kept me a happy bachelorette, until the ripe age of 39 - is freedom. So in answer Q1: A + C + F are all live for me. How about you?
Love and money are both emotive issues that have us crawling up into our heads and crippling our behaviour around things that are so natural - should we let it.
So a question for me…(What’s your version of this question?)
Question 3: What if money gave me freedom?
Love has. So why not money?
Intuitively it makes so much sense; money is a convenient tool for exchange that supports you to be, do, and have many of the things that bring you joy, like a great life partner.
And it’s NOT good for many things we try and use it for
Feeling safe and secure
Feeling smart and confident
Fitting in and standing out…
But that’s a whole other blog!
What’s your biggest fear around money?
What if you had it all wrong and flipped it?
What then would be possible?
If you’d like support on your money mindset, among other things, get in touch to explore
1-2-1 coaching options or my upcoming Impact MasterMind for the entrepreneurs in my community.
Impactfully Yours,
Mehalah Beckett is a coach, consultant and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year?