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Top 3 challenges my clients have 


Do you struggle with these too?  

Celebrating the 1st anniversary of my Group Coaching Program, I evaluated its impact & USP and (spoiler alert) transitioned it to an exciting MasterMind for Impact-Entrepreneurs (more on this below!). 

So what challenges did leaders bring to work on most of all? 


  1. Communicating your value 


Which for you business owners is communicating your value to the market (i.e. marketing and sales) to grow your client base, revenue and impact. For employed leaders, it’s communicating and demonstrating value-add to your boss to gain more responsibility, recognition and ultimately promotion.  


The fears and insecurities stopping us? 


Fear of being judged, rejected and narrowing down on the wrong thing. Which brings us to… 


  1. Focusing on the important 


Everyone I work with is doing too much yet lying in bed at night feeling like they can never do enough. You’d love to go to bed knowing you did your best to focus on the important, and took aligned action towards your long-term goals, without getting stuck in the weeds. But it seems to be a constant struggle… 


The fears and insecurities stopping us? 


Fear of focusing on the wrong thing, missing out on opportunities or belief that the harder you work the less likely you’ll fail. Which brings us to…  


  1. Delegation 


Most of us think we are uniquely placed to do all the things in our businesses or team, so why would you let someone else cock it up, distress clients, or take an age over it? Much easier and less stressful to work all hours and limit your team to trivial tasks that can’t break the business. Wait, no, there is a better way – empower, educate and delegate… 


The fears and insecurities stopping us? 


The fear of losing control, fear of your teammate failing, and ultimately, fear of them succeeding and us becoming redundant…wait is that so bad? 



Which of these fears and insecurities hold you back from performing at your best and enjoying your work? 


The Answer to these three challenges? 


These fears and insecurities can hold us all back if we let them. This is why we always start our coaching sessions by celebrating how far we’ve come, and reminding ourselves of the bigger mission we’re on – our why. 


Question: What mission are you on that’s big enough to fuel big audacious action from a place of passion, love and purpose, despite regularly scaring yourself with all the worst-case scenarios? 


Everyone I work with is on a mission to leave the world in a better place through their work or business. 


This mission, alongside a coach who has your back, and a community of like-hearted, different-minded leaders, will help you fly, with joy, ease and efficiency. 


Join us on the Impact MasterMind? 


This is why I created the MasterMind for Impact Entrepreneurs and Business Owners – we’re the ones facing new challenges every day, and having a peer group to inspire, support and troubleshoot with you, as well as a powerful coach to celebrate, champion and challenge you, is phenomenal! 


To find out more check out the details on my website and book a call to talk it over. 


For those in employed roles, don’t worry I have your back too - I’ve broadened my range of 1-2-1 coaching support, let’s chat and explore what’s best for you.  

Impactfully Yours, 



Mehalah Beckett is a coach, consultant and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year? 



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