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How to "Spark Yourself"

Mehalah Beckett

Ever wonder how you can be your own catalyst - for help sparking your own personal and professional breakthroughs?

It’s actually quite simple. Not necessarily easy, but simple, and just, like all good things, takes some practice.

I have a lot to say on this and will be sharing more and deeper thoughts in my next live session on October 4th which is open to all – come join me.

I the meanwhile, here’s five thoughts to get you going…

  1. Everything up until now is irrelevant.

  2. What if it’s something that happens, not something I do?

  3. Be more with what is, and less with what isn’t.

  4. Life gets really simple when you live in it real time.

  5. Being stuck is either because:

    • You’re preoccupied – in your head; and/or

    • You have relatively little appreciation for what you already have going for you

So, get out of your head, start living, and see what happens.

If you need help getting out of your head, and remembering what you already have going for you, come to a session I’m running on October 4th where we’ll explore these thoughts a little deeper. And watch the sparks fly.

I could sure use the practice; you may as well join me.

Find out more HERE.

Mehalah Beckett is a consultant, coach and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year?

Sign up for my monthly Insights for Impact for inspiration, ideas and events.



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