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5 Fears Driving Your Stress

Mehalah Beckett

If you’re like me, you work hard, achieve good-enough results, but not without an underlying level of stress and pressure.

You suspect there’s an easier way to exponentially greater success and happiness, but you’re not giving yourself time and headspace to recalibrate your path and try a more peaceful, easeful path to effortless success without the stress.

Want stress-less success?

In this blog series I'm sharing five tips for stress-less success, here’s Tip #1 for now:

Tip #1 Know your stress drivers – for me and my clients (like attracts like) our top five are:

a. Fear of not being good enough – you attribute self-worth to achievement so work extra hard with high anxiety.

b. Fear of being found out – you put on a brave face and struggle through alone without asking for help.

c. Fear of rejection – you go above and beyond to please others ensuring you fit in and belong.

d. Fear of slowing down – you associate busyness with success and are terrified by what will happen with white space in the diary.

e. Fear of missing out – saying yes to everything in case that’s the thing that makes all the difference to work, relationships, success.

Which of these resonate with you?

What would you add?

Book in for a Coffee with Mehalah and let me know.

Tips #2-5 in the following blogs will support your journey towards stress-less success, but while you’re waiting, here’s a tip for when each of the five fears rear their heads.

Tip #1 Get clarity on your stress drivers; try these practical tips.

a. Fear of not being good enough – celebrate your wins at the end of every day – be proud of what you’ve achieved and note what you’ll work on the next day. You’ll soon realise you’re doing your best and getting better every day. That’s all that counts.

b. Fear of being found out – practice asking for help starting with areas of your life you’re less ashamed to admit you don’t know it all, it will soon become easier in the places that really count.

c. Fear of rejection – tap into why you’re doing X – is it genuinely the best thing to do, or are you trying to make someone else happy? If the latter, it’s unlikely best for them either, so recalibrate your actions and have the right people love you for you.

d. Fear of slowing down – start with small blocks of white space with no agenda, no distraction and see what happens. You’ll be more creative than you ever knew possible, and you might even enjoy it (this is me writing my blog just now).

e. Fear of missing out – say no, see what happens. They say the most successful people say no the most. Start small with one ‘no’ today.

Try one or more of the above and let me know what happens by booking in for a Coffee with Mehalah - my summer initiative to connect with good people. No agenda, just a BYO coffee and a 15 minute chat.

Mehalah Beckett is a consultant, coach and trusted advisor passionate about people, the planet and empowering others to inspire positive change. She coaches purpose-driven leaders to impossible goals, hosts Masterminds for hungry entrepreneurs and guides businesses through B-Corp. What can I help you achieve over the next year?

Sign up for my monthly Insights for Impact for inspiration, ideas and events.



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